NON-EMERGENCY (815) 286-7711



Fire Protection District

Providing services that are essential to the safety and security of Hinckley and its surrounding communities

Hinckley Fire

We have committed ourselves to providing high quality fire and emergency medical services to our residents, businesses, and visitors.

The Hinckley Fire District is located in Southern Dekalb County, in North Central Illinois. It protects about 2,600 citizens, residing in approximately 64 square miles, including all of Squaw Grove Township, most of the southern half of Pierce Township, and the Village of Hinckley. 

We staff one advanced life support (ALS) ambulance 24/7 with two paid-on-call members. Fire apparatus is staffed by volunteers on an as-available basis. 

We currently hold an Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating of 5 within village limits and 5a in the surrounding rural area. 

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Our Services

Fire Suppression


Fires often occur in structures, vehicles, fields, and more. It is our goal to extinguish these fires and minimize damage to property and life. We are frequently called to assist our neighboring departments with incidents

Ambulance Services


Medical emergencies and accidents can happen at any moment throughout our district. We provide on-scene care and transport to three area-hospitals. 

Rescue Services


Motor vehicle collisions throughout our district can be caused by distracted driving, inclement weather, and more. We quickly take control of MVC scenes to provide medical care and prevent further incidents. 

Community Safety


Accidental fires in the home are the main cause of fire deaths and we do all we can to reduce these fatalities, we work to educate people.

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We are available  24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Dial 911 in case of emergency!